
Make yourself comfortable under the Tulip Tree.

My name is Victoria and I am gradually creating a suburban homestead in Central Illinois.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

home made pizza

this is pizza using fresh dough, tomatoes, herbs, onions, and mozzarella


yep, yum, sweet "thumblinas"

plus bonus lettuces (green, red, and romaine)

long view of garden

two views of the garden. I calculated that it is about 250 sq ft plus fruit trees and potatoes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


At Alexa's urging, I entered the Peoria Journal Star Better Earth Garden Contest. I was a finalist in the Vegetable Garden category. The judges visited last Thursday. Yesterday, I got a call from Jonelle of the PJStar...


I got first prize in the category for my raised bed garden!! It will be featured in the Sunday, June 26 paper. I'll post a link if I can!

of peas and cabbages!

Our friend, Harry, who has a garden instead of lawn, gave us two big cabbages today! I see coleslaw in our future!

The peas are ready. They are sweet from the vine but I hope enough pods survive to be cooked.

The blueberries are ready to pop! Birds are eating the strawberries - the pie pans are no longer a deterrent so we'll have to go to netting. The strawberries have sent out runners so I'll need to thin them out this weekend.

The bush beans have put out flowers and the pole beans are climbing. The tomatoes LOVE the hot weather and frequent overnight rains.

Friday, June 10, 2011

blueberries - keep away from birds!

Covering them with netting. Hopefully we'll get a couple of pints this year.

of peas and pita

pita bread using a simple recipe: flour, salt, yeast, sugar, olive oil and water. Baked at 500F on a baking stone.

Peas are coming into season! These are snow peas with edible pods.

Salad with garden greens and herbs

Thursday, June 2, 2011