Alexa did a lot! She raked out all the old mulch from the landscaped areas in preparation for the arrival of the new cedar mulch. The cedar mulch, about 6 yards (3 cu ft) fill about half a dump truck. It was the prize for winning the Journal-Star Better Earth Garden contest for 2011.
See post here:
Also being delivered is 2 yards of finished compost. One can never have enough compost, truly.
Asian Lily |
Also, while I was away at a conference for work, the asiatic lilies popped out near the toad houses.
Today, we planted all the annuals into the pots for the front patio. Also, planted another section of sunflowers on the north side of the house edged with hostas. There are already 3 types of sunflowers on the south side of the house also fronted with hostas. The sunflower varieties are: Lemon Queen (Seed Savers Exchange, Iowa), Valley Green ($0.10 generic seed), and Kervin's (a coworker) Giant Russian Sunflowers.