
Make yourself comfortable under the Tulip Tree.

My name is Victoria and I am gradually creating a suburban homestead in Central Illinois.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Harvest Festival

tomato pie

cukes lead to pickles

hexagonal tomatoes

humongus watermelon

sunflowers and daisies

homemade Veggie juice

pumpkins came early

lavendar - foraged from neighbor


baba ganoush (eggplant dip)

Monday, May 13, 2013

tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes

Tomatoes were planted yesterday after the last frost (hopefully)! The trays have been outside enjoying sunshine and spending nights on the south window in the garage. We put up shelves to hold our plants over winter, but they have a use in spring as well during frosty nights.

There are over 100 extra plants - the germination rates are in excess of 90%.

Alexa's venture (Tulip Tree Innovations)is set to kick-off at the neighborhood garage sale on May 18. She has a bazillion different herb arrangements in unique, up-cycled and re-purposed containers. They're pretty neat.

We have days with temperatures in low 80's and nights with low 60's for the next few weeks. A true spring but about a month late. Last year (2012) we didn't have a spring - just jumped into 80's and 90's. It was hot!  No idea what the weather pattern will be this year.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

strawberries relocated....

Strawberries were thinned from the bed and planted in smaller pots to re-root. We also have strawberry pots to give away to neighbors. The plants are 3 years old and should bear this year even after being disturbed.

Friday, May 3, 2013

a variety of tomatoes

Our tomato varieties:
Cherokee Purple (Ferry Morse Heirloom)
Abe Lincoln (Ferry Morse Heirloom)
Black Krim (Ferry Morse Heirloom)
Big Rainbow (Ferry Morse Heirloom)
Yellow Pear (Burpee Heirloom)
Roma (Burpee)
Sweet 100 hybrid (Burpee)
John Baur (Seed Savers - Bonny Best 1914)
Green Zebra (Seed Savers - Tater Mater 1983)
Tasty Evergreen (Seed Savers - Seedmen 1956)

Alexa really grew strong seedlings this year. This one was sown in February, transplanted after 6 weeks growth and is about 12 weeks old now and ready to go into the garden.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

peppermint divided

It's very hard to grow mints from seeds but easy from cuttings from the mother plant. I divided it and soaked the roots and then popped them into our potting mix. Voila! 6 plants from 1 main plant.